Stallings Art & Music Fest - 5-15-10
We had a very nice turn-out of MAG artists who brought their artwork to hang at Stallings first Annual Art & Music Fest - We filled the tent inside and one outside wall! Other than being very warm, it was a nice evening listening to music and getting to meet some of the local folk and introducing Matthews Artists Guild to the community. We kept it very casual and relaxing as you can see from the attached photos which includes a group shot, Debbie, and Gayle our two event Chairwomen - discussing the structural integrity of the tent leg, and Debbie contemplating what her next song choice was going to be - I told you all there was going to be some pick-in going on - See what some of you missed! I would like to thank everyone who participated and helped with the set-up and take-down it really made it fast and easy.
I was contacted by Emily Hawkins, a senior at Providence High School in Charlotte, NC. who is president of a club called Voices Activated, which is an activism club that tries to make young people aware of world problems and teach them what to do. They're hosting an Art for Congo auction to raise money to stop the violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They are contacting local artists to help. Vivian Connell (vivian.connell@cms.k12.nc.us) is their teacher advisor. The auction is May 22 at 5PM. The artists can put their cards out next to their donated pieces and provide a minimum bid if they choose. Thank you for whatever you can do.
Artwork can be dropped off at providence high school (1800 Pineville Matthews road) with the name Vivian Connell on it. Artwork is due by Friday, May 21. No requirements for art. We also have tax deductible forms that we can send to you, if your artists would like. Please invite anyone you can. It is at providence high school on may 22 from 5 to 8.
MAG - Oil Painting Workshop
We have a good response for those interested in a 1 day intensive Oil painting workshop (Beginner & Intermediate level) and already enough to fill a class - We will not hold a session in June (Primarily due to my schedule with painting in Maine). However, Summer/Fall we will plan - So If you were planning to take a workshop and have not yet indicated let me know at kevin@kevinfineart.com or to ask for more details and this way we can plan on how many sessions to do.