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Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Life Drawing Tonight 12/28 at 7 PM
Life Drawing tonight at 7 PM at the Matthews Community Center. All artists 18 years old and above are welcome. Charge usually runs from $5-8 depending on how many attend to split the model fee. Be early and ready at 7 sharp!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Oops! Mistake about Life Drawing Next Week
There WILL be Life Drawing Wednesday as usual. Be there early so all can start at 7 PM sharp at the Matthews Community Center. All artists 18 and older are welcome.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Russell Smith Demo 1/10/12
The January 10th meeting will feature Russell Smith. Russell's works are awesomely realistic and yet there's more than brushwork skill in his art. He emotes history. His favorite subject is WW1 fighter aircraft. He won first place at the Matthews Alive Art Competition sponsored by the Matthews Artist Guild and judged by Larry Elder of Elder Art Gallery of Charlotte with his "Self-Portrait as a German Ace in 1918". "Tumult in the Clouds: The Aviation Art of Russell Smith" written by Jim Wilberg is a newly released book of Russell's artwork, drawing great reviews. More information about Russell and samples of his art can be found at His demo for this meeting is about creating art with both sides of the brain. Be there at the Matthews Community Center at 6:30 PM!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Life Drawing Tonight
Tired of the busy holiday season? Here's an option. There will be life drawing tonight at the Matthews Community Center at 7 PM tonight 12/21/11. This will be the last session of the year... no session next week. The cost depends on how many attendees there are to split the model fee, usually $5-8. All artists welcome as long as you're at least 18 years old.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Plein Air Buds at Mint Museum Today
Greg Barnes joined us today at the Mint Museum on Randolph Road for some plein air painting. We later visited his studio at Fairview & Sharon and saw his wonderful works and learned of his classes on Tuesday nights. Several of the artists plan on being there tonight to take his oil painting session. After visiting and talking with Greg, we went to nearby Moe's for some Mexican cuisine. Great time! We are taking off the next two weeks and will resume 1/10/12. Interested? Email Debbie at
Monday, December 19, 2011
Plein Air Buds at the Mint on Randolph Road

The Plein Air Buds can paint outdoors at the Mint Museum or sketch indoors, Tuesday, 12/20/11. There is a charge of $10 if you wish to draw inside (no painting allowed) but painting outdoors is free. We'll meet at 10 AM at the parking area. Want to be included in the emails? Email Debbie at For information and directions to the Mint Museum click on this web site:
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Plein Air Buds at Baxter Village in Fort Mill
Tuesday morning the Plein Air Buds ventured to Baxter Village of Fort Mill, SC to paint store fronts and surrounding Christmas decorations. We later ate lunch at Sayago's and met kind owner, Anita Sayago. Uniquely delicious sandwiches! We will meet next week, weather permitting. And take off the week of Christmas. Want to learn more about the group and possibly join us? Email Debbie at Free of charge (unless there is admission cost at a location) and open to all artists.
Monday, December 12, 2011
MAG Christmas Party
It's tomorrow night, Tuesday, 12/13 at 6:30 PM with dinner starting at 7 PM. MAG will provide turkey, ham and beverages. Members are to bring a guest, a gift for exchanging (re-gifting encouraged or purchase inexpensive item) from each person attending and a side dish for the pot luck table. Hope to see everyone!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Small Art for Kilgoris Project

Bring in small artworks (roughly 8x10 inches or smaller) to sell at the Kilgoris Marketplace at Seneca Square this morning (Thursday, 12/8) at 10 AM or tomorrow (Friday, 12/9) at 2 PM. This is a charitable event free of charge to MAG members. The percentage of sales to donate to Kilgoris is up to the individual artist.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Life Drawing Every Wednesday Night
It's Wednesday night, and that means life drawing will be at the Matthews Community Center at 7 PM. Come early to set up. All artists, over the age of 18, are welcome. Charge runs from $5-10 depending on how many attend to split the model fee. Thanks to Nancy, Jack and Tom for model scheduling and maintaining this.
ALSO, Nancy is needing more models! If you are interested, email Debbie at
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Plein Air Buds at Baxter Village Canceled
Due to bad weather conditions, the Plein Air Buds will not meet today as planned. Want to get the latest emails ASAP? Email Debbie to get in the loop:
Monday, December 5, 2011
Plein Air Buds at Baxter Village Fountain
Join us Tuesday morning, 12/6, at 10 AM at the fountain at Baxter Village for some store front painting. Afterwards we'll choose a place to eat together!... always the best part. Want to be included in our email list? Contact Debbie at
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Kilgoris Art Sale

MAG will again participate in the Kilgoris Marketplace this year to benefit the children of an African village. MAG members can join in the sale without charge but you are encouraged to donate a percentage of your sales to The Kilgoris Project.
The event runs from 12/9-10, Friday 4 PM to 8 PM and Saturday 10 AM to 7 PM. Set up is Thursday at 10 AM. Bring small artwork (no larger than 8 x 10 inches) to 5215-D South Boulevard in Charlotte near the Tyvola intersection. Take down is Saturday night at 7 PM.
Email Debbie at if you want to participate and/or help with set up, selling, or take down. Information regarding Kilgoris can be found at
Annual MAG Christmas Party
Merry Christmas! Tuesday, 12/13, is the date for our annual Christmas Party. Bring a guest, a gift to exchange (please don't spend a lot... re-gifting encouraged; and, make sure guests bring gifts also) and a side dish. MAG will provide the meat entree, beverages and bread. If you'd like to bring a dessert, email Debbie at Last year we had an over abundance of desserts! Social time begins at 6:30 PM and the meal will start at 7 PM. Hope you can come!
Life Drawing Every Wednesday Night
There's Life Drawing tonight at the Matthews Community Center. Be ready to start at 7 PM. Cost runs from $5-8 depending on how many attend to split the model fee. All artist 18 years old and over are welcome.
Monday, November 28, 2011
No Plein Air Tomorrow Due to Rain
The forecast is for rain, tomorrow morning so the Plein Air Buds will not be meeting. Hopefully better weather next week.
Friday, November 18, 2011
No Plein Air Painting or Life Drawing Thanksgiving Week
Happy Thanksgiving! Due to the holiday, there will be no Plein Air Buds session or Life Drawing at the Matthews Community Center next week. Create and/or enjoy some art wherever you may be.
Our next meeting is Tuesday, December 13, at 6:30 PM. We'll be celebrating Christmas with our annual dinner. MAG will provide the entree and beverages. Members are asked to bring sides and desserts (as well as a guest). Also, each person that comes needs to bring a gift (can be gag or nice... re-gifting is ideal!) for a white elephant exchange. Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Life Drawing Every Wednesday Night
Come to the Matthews Community Center tonight for life drawing. Be ready to start by 7 PM... allow some time to set up. Be sure to thank Jack, Tom and Nancy for volunteering to set this up. The cost runs from $5-8 depending on how many participate to split the model fee. You do not have to be a MAG member to take part (but why wouldn't you want to be!); however, you must be at least 18 years old. The model schedule is posted on the left bottom side of this blog.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Great Day at South End for Plein Air Buds
Jenn, Jennifer, Carol, Deborah, Kevin and Debbie enjoyed beautiful weather on the roof of the Ashton South End apartment building painting the Charlotte uptown skyline. Thanks to Kevin for arranging this! Next week the Buds will be off for Thanksgiving but will resume painting the following week. If you want to get involved, email Debbie at to receive emails.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Plein Air Buds at South End
Want to paint uptown from an apartment roof at South End? Plein Air Buds are going Tuesday morning (11/15 at 10 AM). Contact Debbie @ if interested. Open to all artists and no charge... but, space is limited.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Greg Barnes Pastel Demo... Beautiful!
Greg Barnes did two pastel works during his demo tonight. One was a dark woodsy scene with snow in the foreground. He first applied dark colors then medium and light range colors. Using a charcoal vine, he put in "magical" details. Finally he developed a focal point by blending the surrounding elements. The resulting image is below.
His second work was a smaller recreation of a marshland scene as shown in the top two pictures. Both works were excellent demonstrations of pastel application and technique.
Harry and Anthony From Binders Visit MAG Meeting Tonight
Harry and Anthony brought door prizes... what fun!
Plein Air Buds in Matthews!
Beautiful day in Matthews this morning! We started out at Stumptown Park and ended up by Matthews City Hall/Library. Cathy painted the red caboose, Cinthia did a wonderful job with City Hall, Jenn and Barbara painted nearby rose bushes and other foliage while Connie painted a shed in someone's yard. Norma showed up later to draw while Debbie took the pictures above. Afterwards we walked over to Pure Taqueria for huge servings of Mexican cuisine. Wow! Should'a been there... email Debbie if you want to be in the loop at
MAG Meeting in Room 204 Tonight
Due to the election, we will meet in Room 204 tonight on the third floor. If you're not sure where it is, ask at the desk. See you there with Greg Barnes!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Greg Barnes At Next MAG Meeting This Tuesday Night
Greg Barnes Painting En Plein Air
According to Greg Barnes' web site, when he paints on location his goal is to achieve "more than just a pretty picture"... he goes for "the spirit of the place." "I am blessed to be able to translate that beauty onto paper or canvas in my own way, and to be able to make a living at what I love to do." He received a BFA from Wake Forest University in 1985 and has always been involved with art ever since. After 9/11, he became a full-time artist selling his works at art shows around the country.
MAG is honored to have him do a pastel demo for our next meeting this Tuesday, 11/8 at 6:30 PM at the Matthews Community Center. All meetings are free and open to the public.
Look at Greg's work at his web site:
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Life Drawing Every Wednesday Night
MAG sponsors opportunities for life drawing every Wednesday night at 7 PM at the Matthews Community Center. Be there early to set up so everyone is ready to draw on time. Charge is usually $5-7 to split the model fee. You do not have to be a member of MAG to participate but you must be at least 18 years old.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Plein Air Buds at Hunter's Farm in Weddington

Our next MAG meeting is Tuesday, 11/8/11, at 6:30 PM at the Matthews Community Center in downtown Matthews. Full-time artist, Greg Barnes is our presenter ( and he will do a demo with pastels. "Landscapes are Greg's love." So whether you enjoy landscapes en plein air or from photography in the nice warm comforts of your studio, you can't miss this one! Find out how he makes all those beautiful greens. All meetings are free and open to the public. We love newcomers!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Plein Air Buds at Park Road Park
See what you're missing! Want to join us? We had 11 painters/sketchers/photographers in the mix this morning. Give it a try. To get in the loop let Debbie know at You do NOT have to be a MAG member to join... no charge... but you do have to laugh from time to time... it helps in fitting in.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Greg Barnes Demonstration for Next MAG Meeting
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 8th for the next MAG meeting when Greg Barnes will do a pastel demo. Check out his web site: He is a talented full-time artist with skills also in painting, plein-air, sculpture, figure drawing and printmaking. Lots to talk about!
Life Drawing Every Wednesday Night
You know the routine by now, don't you? You do not have to be a MAG member to participate but you do have to at least 18 years old. Bring your art supplies to the Matthews Community Center to be set up and ready to sketch by 7 PM every Wednesday. Cost? Usually $5-7 per person to split the cost of the model. The model schedule has been revised and corrected on the lower left side of this blog.
Plein Air Buds at NoDa Residence
Yesterday seven Plein Air Buds got together at the home of Deborah Winegar to paint in her backyard. Afterwards we took a trip to Amelie's for lunch. We know how to enjoy ourselves! Interested in painting... and eating with us? Email Debbie at to get emails about future outings. Most locations are in the Charlotte/Matthews area. Right now we meet in the mornings at 10 AM but as the weather gets colder the time will be moved later when the temperatures are warmer.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
MAG Will Miss Diane Caudle
2nd Place Winner of 2010 MAG Art Competition at Presbyterian Hospital
We were sad to learn of Diane Caudle's passing last night, October 17th. Diane is known for her excellent pastel works and she won numerous awards. Among her favorite subjects were little ballerinas like the one pictured above. She will be missed by all of us at MAG.
MAG members may attend the visitation, Thursday, 10/20/11, and/or the funeral on Friday, 10/21/11. The information regarding these services are below:
Thursday, 10/20/11
6-8 PM
Davis Funeral Service
1003 East Franklin Street
Monroe, NC
Friday, 10/21/11
11 AM
Smyrna United Methodist Church
5019 Medlin Road
Monroe, NC
Plans are for a reception at and open house at Diane's home after the service. Diane's artwork will be on display.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Plein Air Canceled for Tomorrow
Due to rain forecast, Tuesday's Plein Air Outing in NoDa area (10/11/11) is canceled. Email Debbie for questions or info about the Plein Air Buds:
Thursday, October 6, 2011
MAG Presents MATAYA!
Date: Tuesday 10/11/11
Time: 6:30 PM Social Time; 7 PM Presentation begins
Place: Matthews Community Ctr. 100 McDowell St in downtown Matthews, NC
Mataya is a fine artist who reveres the nature and animals captured in her realistic style. Her alter ego, "Taya", creates large "funky mixed media" pieces she call Wild Child Art. Mataya began her journey in 1966 teaching herself to paint. For that reason, she calls herself a "natural artist". Today she sells both originals and giclee prints while teaching art full time.
Visit her site at and see her works. She is also on Facebook as Mataya Art.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Life Drawing Every Wednesday Night
Are you an artist that enjoys life drawing? Then come to the Matthews Community Center every Wednesday night a little before 7 PM when the session starts. The cost is usually $5-8, depending on how many attend to split the model fee.
Plein Air Buds at Debbie's House
Christine with Sammy
The Plein Air Buds had 10 participants at Debbie's house today... well, if you count Sammy, Christine's dog. He fit right in! Our assignment was to bring a potted plant and a color, never used before, included in the individual's palette. Next time we'll be painting at a house in NoDa. Want to be included in our email list? Email Debbie at
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Plein Air Buds at Debbie's House
Bring a potted plant and a color you've never used before of whatever medium you're using to paint at Debbie Yacenda's house, Tuesday, 10/4 at 10 AM. You can place your plant anywhere on the property and incorporate the new color in your artwork. RSVP to Debbie to let her know you're coming and for her address (if you're not on the Plein Air Buds email list). Want to be added to the list? Email Debbie at
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Life Drawing Every Wednesday Night
Tonight at the Matthews Community Center there will be a life drawing session at 7 PM. Come early to set up. All artists, 18 and older, are welcome. Charge is usually $5-7 depending on how many attend to split the model fee. The model schedule is posted on the lower left side of the blog site.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
10 Plein Air Artists at Freedom Park
Kevin Brown's painting of Freedom Park Bridge
Want to get in the loop? Email Debbie at The Plein Air Buds meets every Tuesday during the day. Open to all artists and free of charge.
Monday, September 26, 2011
October Demo With Mataya
Appalachian Dream
The Road to Heaven
Mataya is an art teacher, as well as an established artist. She has been a member of MAG for several years and we're thrilled to finally have her do a demo for the members. She will show us how she works with acrylics to make a beautiful mountain scene through "zones". This is what Mataya has to say about her artwork, "I have such love and respect for nature that I just stand in awe before her. No way I can compete with her beauty... but it doesn't stop me from trying."
We meet Tuesday, October 11th at 6:30 PM at the Matthews Community Center. All meetings are open to the public and free of charge. No matter what medium you work with or maybe you're just an art lover... you won't want to miss this rare treat.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Life Drawing Every Wednesday Night
And tonight is no exception... Michelle H is the model. All artists 18 years old and over are welcome. Sessions start at 7 PM sharp so come early to set up at the Matthews Community Center. Charge is usually $5-7 depending on how many attend to split the model fee.
Plein Air Buds at Reedy Creek Park
The Plein Air Buds are growing! We have had 8 participants in the last two sessions. Yes, the weather is getting cooler and that helps. BUT yesterday we did encounter some drizzling rain. Despite these less than ideal conditions (especially for the watercolorists!) NO ONE left! We all departed together after a couple hours and ate lunch at a nearby Subway. Want to join us? Get in the loop and contact Debbie at
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Appreciate Floral Demo by Sally Miller
Sally Miller is a one of MAG's favorite presenters. She created a beautiful floral on paper using watercolors. Right before our eyes, she drew with the water, applied the vibrant colors and added texture using splattering, wrap, etc... Hopefully, we'll be arranging for a workshop in the near future. Thank you for a great demo, Sally!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Life Drawing Every Wednesday Night
Tonight's no different... at 7 PM at the Matthews Community Ctr. Open to all artists 18 and older. Charge is usually $5-7 depending on how many come to split the cost of the model.
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