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Friday, December 17, 2010
Knitted Hat/Mittens/Scarf Drive for A Child's Place
Thursday, December 16, 2010
MAG Drawing 12/22/10 Cancelled
January Demo Presented by Debbie Rasberry

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Annual MAG Christmas Party
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Painting Groups Continue Through Holidays
The Life Drawing sessions at the Matthews Community Center will also be meeting Wednesdays, 12/15, 22, 29/10 at 7 PM. Come early to set up so you will be ready by starting time.
Take some time off during the holidays to create art.
Annual MAG Christmas Party
Merry Christmas to all from the Matthews Artist Guild!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Charlotte Observer's Article on The Christmas Marketplace
MAG Artists take-in will be at the site, 1515 S. Mint St., Friday (12/3) from 10AM to Noon and take-down is Sunday (12/5) from 2PM to 4PM.
EVERYONE is welcome to come by and check out our booth: Friday (12/3) from 4PM to 9PM and Saturday (12/4) from 9AM to 9PM.
Email Debbie:
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Christmas Marketplace for the Kilgoris Project 12/3-4

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Next Plein-Air Outing Thursday, 11/18, 10 AM at Hunter Farm, Weddington
Christmas Marketplace at 1515 S. Mint Street in uptown Charlotte
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Plein Air Proud!
Reg Narmour Shares His Experience With the Kilgoris Project

Miriam Durkin Demo a Hit!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Anne Springs Greenway Plein Air Outing
Friday, October 29, 2010
MAG Meeting 11/09/10
Monday, October 25, 2010
Spittin' Pond Farm Plein-Air Rescheduled...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Next Plein-Air Outing Monday (10/25) 10 AM at Spittin' Pond Farm
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
MAG Plein Air Group at Yvette's Home
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Plein Air Group Meeting at Yvette's Home
Friday, October 15, 2010
Kevin Brown Workshop: Introduction to Painting a Portrait Sketch "Alla Prima"
- Alla Prima
- materials and tools
- positioning the model
- lighting
- composition
- how to see and what to see
- working wet into wet
- fat over lean
- modeling the form
Saturday 10/23/10 9AM-Noon
Tuesday 10/26/10 6PM-9PM
Thursday 10/28/10 9AM-Noon
Workshop Size: 4 Participants per session (first come first serve for the allotted times based on receipt of payment)
Fee: MAG members $25/ Non-members $35
Deadline: Thursday 10/21/10 (Please make checks out to MAG)
Location: Kevin's studio at 110 East Kingston Ave. second floor studio 212. If taking light rail it's stop East/West Ave.
For more informaiton email Kevin at
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
October 12 Meeting... Prizes, Christmas Art Show and Keefer Demo
Monday, October 11, 2010
October Meeting Reminder
Schelly Keefer is an award winning artist Her work has been twice featured in the international magazine Pastel Journal, in UNCC's Sanskrit Magazine, and on the cover of theChronicle of the Horse. She has been on NPR and TV with numerous mentions in area newspapers. Schelly is known for her landscapes and cityscapes, but paints a wide variety of subjects. She is represented by the Red Sky Gallery. She is currently an art instructor at Central Piedmont Community College, teaching soft pastel. She can also be found on Facebook.
“I love the immediacy and vibrancy of pastels, as it is seen in my head, I can take directly to the paper. Watercolor is exciting with the fluid interaction of pigments and paper.” --Schelly
Art Wall - Bring in your artwork to hang.
Bring in Refreshments and treats or tricks... It is that time of the year!
Membership renewals
We look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
MAG Starting Up Plein Air Painting Group
Our next group meets at McAlpine Creek Park, Tuesday, 10/5/10 at 9:30 AM. Join us! Email Debbie if interested:
Friday, September 24, 2010
Schelly Keefer at October 12 Meeting
Friday, September 17, 2010
Lake Norman Art League's Call for Artists
Exhibit Take-In: Sunday 10/17/10 - 10 AM to 4 PM
Carolina Art Garden, 19725 Oak Street, Suite 3, Cornelius, NC 28031
Please bring up to 4 works to hang. Please complete entry form, bring check or cash for entry fee and membership dues if joining or renewing membership, and attach labels before arriving.
Opening Reception: Friday, October 22, 2010 during the Grand Opening of the Carolina Art Garden from 6 PM to 9:30 PM. Award Presentations during this time.
Cash and Prizes: $500 First Place/ $400 Second Place/ $300 Third Place and (2) $100 Honorable Mentions
Entry Fee: $25 for 1/2 entries, $10 for each additional for up to a total of 4 pieces for LKN Art League Members/Students.
$35 for 1/2 entries, $10 for each additional for up to a total of 4 pieces for Non-Members.
More info can be found at
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Our September 14 Meeting...
Friday, September 3, 2010
Matthews Alive Art Show Awards!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
August Meeting 8-10-10
Thursday, July 8, 2010
MAG News JULY 2010
Join other artists at the "Matthew Alive Art Show" Labor day weekend for a three day show and selling event. This is your chance to both sell and show your work as well as participate in a Judged Show for ribbons and cash
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Matthews Artists Guild - June 2010 Meeting
June 8, 2010 Meeting
The month meeting program was “Drawing” rather than have a guest artist demonstrate and present a lectured techniques – Which we will do at a later time. We got all our members involved with a little drawing competition and some fun prizes and award certificates that were even signed by the Birthday guy! Five stations were set up with 4 still life forms to draw and one station with a live Model Alex – She did a great job (Debbie Yacenda’s daughter following her Mom as a budding artist). There were some amazing sketches done considering they were all 10 minute quick draws. The interaction among the groups was a lot of fun and everyone sharing their experiences (I think the sugar in the cake had something to do with it) – The Grand Winner was Alan – He cleaned up in a few categories. It must be those weekly Wednesday night live model drawing sessions. Like I’ve been telling you all each month drawing is good for you! The other category winners were Anne, Becky, and Rita – MAG’s Master Drawers. Enjoy the attached photo’s taken by Cynthia.
Monday, May 17, 2010
MAG News

Stallings Art & Music Fest - 5-15-10
We had a very nice turn-out of MAG artists who brought their artwork to hang at Stallings first Annual Art & Music Fest - We filled the tent inside and one outside wall! Other than being very warm, it was a nice evening listening to music and getting to meet some of the local folk and introducing Matthews Artists Guild to the community. We kept it very casual and relaxing as you can see from the attached photos which includes a group shot, Debbie, and Gayle our two event Chairwomen - discussing the structural integrity of the tent leg, and Debbie contemplating what her next song choice was going to be - I told you all there was going to be some pick-in going on - See what some of you missed! I would like to thank everyone who participated and helped with the set-up and take-down it really made it fast and easy.
I was contacted by Emily Hawkins, a senior at Providence High School in Charlotte, NC. who is president of a club called Voices Activated, which is an activism club that tries to make young people aware of world problems and teach them what to do. They're hosting an Art for Congo auction to raise money to stop the violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They are contacting local artists to help. Vivian Connell ( is their teacher advisor. The auction is May 22 at 5PM. The artists can put their cards out next to their donated pieces and provide a minimum bid if they choose. Thank you for whatever you can do.
Artwork can be dropped off at providence high school (1800 Pineville Matthews road) with the name Vivian Connell on it. Artwork is due by Friday, May 21. No requirements for art. We also have tax deductible forms that we can send to you, if your artists would like. Please invite anyone you can. It is at providence high school on may 22 from 5 to 8.
MAG - Oil Painting Workshop
We have a good response for those interested in a 1 day intensive Oil painting workshop (Beginner & Intermediate level) and already enough to fill a class - We will not hold a session in June (Primarily due to my schedule with painting in Maine). However, Summer/Fall we will plan - So If you were planning to take a workshop and have not yet indicated let me know at or to ask for more details and this way we can plan on how many sessions to do.
May MAG Meeting 2010
The Matthews Artists Guild meeting was held last night with many members and friends joining us and with plenty of paintings to be critiqued. I would first like to thank Harry Griffin and Anthony Ochoa with Binders Art Supplies and Frames for the fantastic door prizes they provided for our meeting! Harry was in attendance and handed out the prizes as we raffled them off to kick off our meeting (You can see Harry in one of the attached photos). Also, I would like to thank Sally Miller and Richard Siegal two local artist who did an excellent job critiquing the paintings! We also learned from Richard that we have a lot of work to do with our framing... Hmmm, I wonder if he offers a class on framing? What a sales guy (just kidding)... Moreover, Richard is however offering a Plein - Air class through Queens College if anyone is interested and where you can pick up more detail. I'm sure the painters who participated, that between the three Critics or is that critique-rs all walk away with some further insight for development. Heck no one was kicked off the island or sent home... Must be some very good painters!
Monday, May 10, 2010
MAY Meeting Reminder
Bring in your artwork to be critiqued by three local artist (Sally Miller, Richard Siegal, and Kevin Brown) during our May 2010 monthly meeting. This is an excellent opportunity to receive constructive feedback on your work. This is an important and instrumental process that is practiced by classical art institutions and by many master painters - A process that can help in the development of your craft and your painting at all levels.
Also, new art work will be displayed on the "Art Wall" in the hallway leading to all the meeting rooms - This month's artwork display is from Robert Brooks, Anne Harrell, Tom Hopkins, and Gail Violette. Please take the time to check out their work during the meeting!
The meeting is held at Matthews Community Center
100 McDowell St.
Matthews, NC 28105
6:30 - 7 PM Social Snacks & Drinks
7 - 8:30 PM Program - Critiquing your Artwork
We look forward to seeing everyone!
Friday, April 16, 2010
April 2010 MAG Meeting
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
MAG Meeting April 13, 2010 - en Plein Air

Artist Scott Boyle, landscape painter and founder of the Charlotte Plein Air Painters Group will discuss the many benefits of outdoor painting and social networking with other artists. During his time with us he will also begin a studio painting in oils from a small plein air work and talk about his problem solving solutions for artists.
You can find out more about Scott at
And about Charlotte Plein Air Painters at
Grumbacher paint is looking to hire acrylic painters to teach two hours workshops at a major retailer in locations across the United States and Canada . Specifically, we are looking for those capable of demonstrating a still life, landscape, seascape, and floral. We have developed a flexible curriculum in acrylics for an artist to use or adapt to fit to his or her style. We plan to conduct approximately one to four workshops per store per month and the artist will have flexibility in scheduling. Compensation is $100 per workshop, and teaching materials will be provided to the artist at no cost
Please have anyone who is interested email Ellen Cunningham at with examples of their work in acrylics, along with a resume and contact information. (Chartpak is a manufacturer of fine art supplies. Grumbacher, Koh-I-Noor, Higgins ink, and Clearprint are some of our brands.)
Thank you in advance for any help you might offer,
Best Regards,
Ellen Cunningham
Education Coordinator
Chartpak Inc.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
MAG Presbyterian Hospital Show & Award Results

Sunday, March 7, 2010
MAG Meeting Reminder

MAG March 2010 MAG Members Art Show