Gabrielle Shain
MAG March Meeting
Matthews Community Center
6:30 - 7:00 Social
7:00PM - 8:30PM Program
Gabrielle is the owner on one of Charlotte's finest art gallery. She has many noted artists who sell and display their work at her gallery. She has been very successful in attracting many noted and national artists. Her gallery promotes artists of all mediums and types of painting. She is very well respected in the south for the many artists which she promotes.
Her presentation will delve into the following topics which should be interesting to all artists. Just some of the topics which she will expound on are:
How do collectors buy, what is their process?
What do general buyers look for?
What do Gallery owners look for in Artist they select
What is the selection process?
How do they market the Artist
How is pricing determined, and how does commissions work or are the paintings purchased by the gallery or both?
What are the commitments and contractual requirements?
Open to the Public - Everyone is welcomed to come!
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